The WELLBE project’s main objective is to improve adult trainers’ competencies to provide quality and inclusive adult learning in blended learning environments.
Training provides a 22% improvement while training combined with coaching provides an 88% improvement according to recent research. Coaching creates an appropriate environment for innate talents to stand out, for goals to be accomplished, and for visions to be realized. In its essence, coaching is a conversational activity that aims to support people to learn and develop, thereby enhancing their ability to achieve more of their untapped potential.
What are coaching skills?
Coaching skills are the qualities and actions that focus on helping individuals improve performance.
Rather than focus on deficits, coaching skills aim to pose probing questions in order to guide others toward improvement and learning through teamwork, positive leadership and strengths.
Coaching in education has been defined as:
“A one-to-one conversation focused on the enhancement of learning and development through increasing self-awareness and a sense of personal responsibility, where the coach facilitates the self-directed learning of the coachee through questioning, active listening, and appropriate challenge in a supportive and encouraging climate.”
van Nieuwerburgh, 2012
This way of understanding coaching highlights how it is perfectly aligned with the purpose of educational organisations. By highlighting the “self-directed” nature of coaching, we are distinguishing coaching from mentoring. Coaching is not about teaching or sharing expertise. It is about creating the best possible environments for people to learn for themselves.
The WellBE Interview Series: library of inspiration and shared experience for adult educators
The WellBE Video series has been shared with you, episode by episode, as part of the WellBE project. The primary aim was to expand upon the insights offered in the WellBe Handbook “Coaching for Trainers”, catering to the piloting cohorts of adult educators across Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, and Serbia. This collection now serves as a readily…
“Coaching for Learning & Development” workshop in Brussels as part of the final dissemination conference of the WellBe Project in Brussels
A vivid event in Brussels, initiated by New Mindset Coaching & Training (NMCT, Belgium), the leading partner of the WellBe project outlined the completion of our work. The event took place at We Work Brussels on December 8, in the form of a transformative conference and workshops spearheaded by prominent facilitators. It marked a sensible shift in the understanding…